All Summer in a Day | American Idol RPF | Arrested Development | Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys | Doctor Who | Firefly | Good Omens | Highlander | The Lord of the Rings | The Chronicles of Narnia | Northern Exposure | Power Rangers | Quantum Leap | Rivers of London | Sherlock Holmes (2009 film) | Star Trek: The Next Generation | Star Wars | Stargate: Atlantis | Stargate: SG-1 | Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles | Twin Peaks | The Untamed | War and Peace | The X-Files
All Summer in a Day
The Sun Shone on Venus by Ravenbell (32:35)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (31.3 MB) | m4b audiobook (16.4 MB)
A little girl who missed the sun suffered a terrible act of cruelty. This is what happened to Margot, after.
Notes: Posted May 22, 2011.
American Idol RPF
Tomorrow's All Wrong by Celli (36:55)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (35.4 MB) | m4b audiobook (19 MB)
David Archuleta/David Cook. In which Cook gets a forced vacation, advanced science is indistinguishable from magic, and a lot of strange things happen, not necessarily on a Saturday.
Notes: Recorded for Celli in the QLD Flood Appeal. Posted March 27, 2011.
Arrested Development
What We Do Is What You Just Can't Do by gertie_flirty (22:38)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (21.7 MB) | m4b audiobook (20.2 MB)
The Bluth family as superheroes. It's exactly what it sounds like.
Notes: Music by David Schwartz. Posted September 1, 2014.
Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys
i'll be your detonator by xylodemon (2:59)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (2.9 MB) | m4b audiobook (3.2 MB)
Frank Iero/Gerard Way. The Trans Am skids off the broken highway with a quick jerk of the wheel, tires squealing as the rear end fishtails in the soft dirt and gravel rains down on the windshield and hood.
Notes: A fandom_stocking gift for xylodemon. Posted January 7, 2015.
Doctor Who
A Child of Our Time by tree_and_leaf (4:05)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (3.9 MB) | m4b audiobook (3.8 MB)
River Song, Susan Foreman, the First Doctor. "She's our granddaughter, sweetie."
Notes: Part of Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology IV. Posted February 14, 2014.
Everything Where It Was, Everything Still Ahead by AstroGirl (12:30)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (5.7 MB) | m4b audiobook (1.6 MB)
Bill and Heather, in and out of time.
Notes: Part of Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology XI. Posted February 28, 2021.
Glowing by navaan (5:50)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (5.6 MB) | m4b audiobook (5.4 MB)
Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness. The Doctor and Donna are in a bit of trouble with the magistrate of a human colony after helping a bunch of kids. They haven't really done anything wrong, and the Doctor isn't worried at all.
Notes: A fandom_stocking gift for navaan. The cover art uses a Creative Commons-licensed photo by Flickr user fredwlangjr. Posted December 23, 2016.
How the Winds Are Laughing by Kathryn Andersen (1:10:40)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (67.8 MB) | m4b audiobook (35.1 MB)
Gen. Lance is dead, H. C. Clemens is dead, her place of work is closed down. Is this some kind of joke? If it is, it's not funny, and Donna is going to find the person responsible and give them a piece of her mind. (A post-"Journey's End" Donna-fixit story.)
Notes: Recorded for the author as part of the qldfloodauction. Posted February 5, 2011.
Howl by Poetry (9:22)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (9 MB) | m4b audiobook (8.1 MB)
Rose Tyler, the TARDIS (gen). "Together, we are the Bad Wolf. Separately, you're the yellow girl and I'm Sexy."
Notes: Part of Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology V. Posted February 14, 2015.
Old Time Religion by nostalgia (10:11)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (9.8 MB) | m4b audiobook (10.3 MB)
Amy Pond/Rory Williams; the Eleventh Doctor; the Gods of Gallifrey. Amy is dead. The Doctor tries to call in a few favours.
Notes: The interstitial music is "Wilderness" by Dead Can Dance. Posted August 24, 2014.
A pocket full of seeds by honeynoir (24:26)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (23.5 MB) | m4b audiobook (22.5 MB)
Eleventh Doctor/River Song, the TARDIS. He hadnt taken advantage of hols with River, really.
Notes: Made for astrogirl for Eleventyfest 2013. Posted September 3, 2013.
The Space Race by nostalgia (20:38)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (19.8 MB) | m4b audiobook (10.8 MB)
Eleven/River Song. Stuck on Earth with River Song, the Doctor has to cope with domesticity and marriage. It goes about as well as you'd expect.
Notes: Posted April 23, 2011.
Tea and Sympathy by selenak (30:32)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (29.3 MB) | m4b audiobook (15.7 MB)
Gen. Sometimes meeting each other in the wrong order means you know just what to listen for. Guinan and the Doctor through the centuries.
Notes: Crossover with Star Trek: The Next Generation. Posted May 8, 2011.
Young Men and Fast Cars by neveralarch (5:00)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (4.8 MB) | m4b audiobook (4.9 MB)
First Doctor/Simm!Master. A short fic about the Master feeling old.
Notes: Made for the who_at_50 51st anniversary fanwork-a-thon. Posted November 24, 2014.
You're Just My Cup of Tea, or: Domesticity Is Setting In by dollsome (6:59)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (6.7 MB) | m4b audiobook (6 MB)
Eleventh Doctor/River Song. The Doctor, River, and teacups. Flirting ensues!
Notes: A fandom_stocking gift for such_heights. Posted January 7, 2017.
Catalyzer by Celli (6:14)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (6 MB) | m4b audiobook (3.4 MB)
Gen. Wash helps Kaylee. Kaylee helps Wash.
Notes: A fandom_stocking gift for Celli, posted January 6, 2012.
Good Omens
Edna, Mayfair Lil, and the Bookshop Angel by PeniG (44:41)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (33.3 MB) | m4b audiobook (22.2 MB)
Aziraphale/Crowley in the 1920s, outsider POV. Edna and Mayfair Lil get along very well despite the radical difference in their lifestyles. Queer women have to stick together, after all, even across class lines! But Edna is fed up with Lil's turning down any and every romantic overture from anybody in favor of pining after her mysterious "angel," even before she moves to Soho and figures out who this angel is. No, it's not her business; but she's going to do something about it, anyway.
Notes: Posted June 1, 2022.
Immanent, Transcendent, and Material by AstroGirl (4:25)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (1.5 MB) | m4b audiobook (3.3 MB)
Aziraphale/Crowley. Aziraphale's body is his. But his wings... His wings are him.
Notes: Posted May 17, 2020. Cover image is the sculpture Psyche Revived by Cupid's Kiss by Antonio Canova, housed in the Louvre. Photo by canforaalessio from Pixabay.
A Nightingale Sang in Russell Square by melannen
Crossover with Rivers of London; see below.
Another kind of dance by navaan (5:44)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (5.5 MB) | m4b audiobook (5.2 MB)
Duncan/Methos/Amanda. Joe thinks Amanda and Methos are up to something. Duncan thinks he's right, but it won't be a problem.
Notes: A fandom_stocking gift for navaan, posted January 2018.
Ave Atque by lferion (10:34)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (5.8 MB) | m4b audiobook (5.3 MB)
Watcher Jillian O'Hara brings the news of Darius's death to her colleagues in the archives.
Notes: Posted December 30, 2021. The cover photo was taken by my wife, Sûzat, at Notre Dame de Paris, 2005.
The Better Part of Valor by Teresa C (38:40)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (37.1 MB) | m4b audiobook (30.7 MB)
Joe Dawson, Amy Thomas, Methos (gen). Set during "Indiscretions." How do you smuggle your annoying immortal friend past the police and safely home when he insists on singing karaoke along the way?
Notes: Recorded for the Festibility festival at access_fandom. Audiobook compilation and cover image by Cybel. Posted July 18, 2010.
Cold Hands, Warm Hearts by Sholio (12:05)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (11.6 MB) | m4b audiobook (10.9 MB)
Duncan/Methos/Amanda. "Come to Seacouver, Amanda. The winters here are so much milder than Paris, Amanda." This story is so fluffy that you could probably shear it and make a sweater.
Notes: A fandom_stocking gift for Sholio, posted January 2018.
The Freshest and the Best by Julad (26:38)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (hosted at audiofic archive) (25.6 MB) | m4b audiobook (hosted at audiofic archive) (13.4 MB)
Duncan MacLeod/Methos. A Highlander supermarket story.
Notes: My first audiobook. Posted August 19, 2010.
Ink by lferion (9:59)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (5.7 MB) | m4b audiobook (5.3 MB)
Gen. Methos gets a Watcher tattoo.
Notes: Posted October 17, 2021.
Lemmings by Sholio (19:43)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (18.9 MB) | m4b audiobook (10.5 MB)
Methos, Duncan MacLeod, Amanda (gen). One avalanche. Three Immortals, freezing to death. And they're really annoyed about it.
Notes: A fandom_stocking gift for Sholio, posted January 6, 2012. The cover art uses a CC-licensed image by Eva the Weaver @ Flickr.
Preemptive Strike by Ishafel (38:36)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (37.1 MB) | m4b audiobook (19.9 MB)
Gen-ish. MacLeod was the kind of idiot who thought it was a good idea to move to a war zone and teach arithmetic and art appreciation to underprivileged orphans. Joe was the kind of idiot who was so dedicated to his job and his friends that he went with him, even though he knew it was a stupid idea. Methos was the kind of idiot who loved them both too much to let them get themselves killed.
Notes: The cover image uses a CC-licensed photo by El Bizarro @ Posted December 31, 2011.
A Proper Education by Ishafel (10:39)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (6.3 MB) | m4b audiobook (5.3 MB)
Kings die, cattle die, word-fame is forever.
Notes: Posted December 30, 2021. Cover photo by Mishaal Zahed on Unsplash.
Rate Your Students by juniperphoenix (10:48)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (3.7 MB) | m4b audiobook (7.9 MB)
Gen. It's March 6. Do you know where your professors are? (Hint: The answer involves beer, pizza, and history midterms.)
Notes: Posted February 3, 2021.
Relic by Ishafel (4:26)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (2.1 MB) | m4b audiobook (3.7 MB)
Gen. It sometimes seemed to Methos that in a thousand years there was only one thing he loved.
Notes: Cover photo by Oscar Nilsson (@oscrse) on Unsplash. Posted August 18, 2018.
September Song by Kat Allison (52:47)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (50.7 MB) | m4b audiobook (26.8 MB)
Duncan MacLeod/Methos. A conversation at the end of the millennium.
Notes: Includes musical excerpts performed by Sarah Vaughan from a recording made on December 16, 1954. The cover photo was taken by me in April 2007. Posted August 29, 2010.
Still Falls the Rain by Merry (23:03)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (22.1 MB) | m4b audiobook (18.2 MB)
Gen. Mac hasn't unpacked all his baggage from the events of "Archangel." Methos helps. Set after "To Be"/"Not To Be."
Notes: Audiobook compilation and cover image by Cybel. Posted July 24, 2010.
Talents by Gryphonrhi (30:48)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (14.8 MB) | m4b audiobook (26.3 MB)
Connor and Duncan MacLeod (gen). Time heals wounds, aye, but the worst ones have to be cleaned before the days can work their balm.
Notes: Wave photo by @oscartothekeys on Unsplash. Posted September 16, 2018.
Tipping Point by Muccamukk (4:14)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (4.1 MB) | m4b audiobook (3.9 MB)
Joe and Horton (gen). Joe Dawson, not so much a slippery slope as a water slide.
Notes: A fandom_stocking gift for Muccamukk, posted January 2018.
To Drive the Cold Winter Away by juniperphoenix (7:05)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (6.8 MB) | m4b audiobook (4.5 MB)
Gen. Methos, hot cider, and a comfy couch.
Notes: Includes intro and outro music from "In Praise of Christmas," an 18th-century English carol performed by Loreena McKennitt. Posted December 30, 2012.
The Lord of the Rings
Caught by the Light by muccamukk (34:44)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (33.3 MB) | m4b audiobook (28.7 MB)
Gimli/Legolas. A lot of unexpected things happened at the Council of Elrond, but not even the Wise could have predicted this. Indeed, it takes Gimli the entire journey to Lothlórien to truly understand its meaning.
Notes: A fandom_stocking gift for muccamukk. Posted December 29, 2016.
The Still Point by Stultiloquentia (19:00)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (6.5 MB) | m4b audiobook (14 MB)
Arwen/Aragorn. On her wedding night, Arwen grapples with her new awareness of mortality.
Notes: Posted February 2, 2021.
The Chronicles of Narnia
The Eye of Man by Bedlamsbard (24:00)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (23 MB) | m4b audiobook (19.3 MB)
Edmund Pevensie (gen). He wants this sword. This sword was made for him, and he wants it. Golden Age, post-LWW.
Notes: Posted August 1, 2010.
Such Deliberate Disguises by Bedlamsbard (10:48)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (10.4 MB) | m4b audiobook (8.7 MB)
Edmund Pevensie, Peter Pevensie, Caspian X (gen). "You," Edmund tells Caspian drunkenly, "are very young."
Notes: Posted July 10, 2010.
Northern Exposure
A Field Guide to North American Songbirds by Icepixie (13:04)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (12.6 MB) | m4b audiobook (10.6 MB)
Joel Fleischman/Maggie O'Connell. A story about the birdhouse Joel Fleischman built in his soul.
Notes: Posted June 6, 2010.
Road Trip by juniperphoenix (15:49)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (15.2 MB) | m4b audiobook (12.7 MB)
Gen. Bernard drives to Cicely.
Notes: Audiobook compiled by Cybel. Cover art by me, from a screencap by Oxoniensis. Posted August 1, 2010.
Spring, In Its Own Time by trascendenza (12:49)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (12.3 MB) | m4b audiobook (7.1 MB)
Gen. Somewhere, about ten miles south of where Joel's sleeping, ice cracks.
Notes: A fandom_stocking gift for icepixie, posted January 6, 2012.
Power Rangers
Balance by jdphoenix (2:37)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (2.5 MB) | m4b audiobook (2.2 MB)
Kimberly Hart (gen). Competing on the balance beam is almost like flying.
Notes: Part of the Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology. Posted February 14, 2011.
Quantum Leap
In Vino Veritas by dramatic owl (22:57)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (22 MB) | m4b audiobook (18.8 MB)
Gen. Al looks after Donna. (Contains discussion of pregnancy loss.)
Notes: A fandom_stocking gift for dramatic owl, posted January 7, 2017.
Rivers of London
A Nightingale Sang in Russell Square by melannen (42:07)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (31.8 MB) | m4b audiobook (21.1 MB)
"Starling, on the last day thou art well advized to remayne within thy Manor, but thou dost not abide, and goest instead to gayze uppon thy Steading, and upon the Fell's." (The Nice And Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch: Prophecy 1456)
Notes: Crossover with Good Omens. Posted September 26, 2021.
On a Lea Shore by pendrecarc (20:47)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (11 MB) | m4b audiobook (9.8 MB)
The second morning after Christmas, the Folly is presented with a trivial problem and a curious waterfowl.
Notes: Posted December 29, 2021. Goose photo by Rodrigo Morcal on Unsplash.
Sherlock Holmes (2009 film)
Leaves Wreckage Where It's Blown by BlackEyedGirl (14:18)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (13.7 MB) | m4b audiobook (11.6 MB)
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson. Post-movie, Holmes tries to deal with a robbery alone. Some violence ensues. Watson tries to make it better, with variable success. Originally this was hurt-comfort UST but the Holmes POV may make it read as unrequited, so it can be read either way.
Notes: Posted April 25, 2010.
Star Trek: The Next Generation
New Days by cosmic_llin (25:07)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (24.1 MB) | m4b audiobook (21.6 MB)
Post-Ethics AU. Following Worf's death, Deanna struggles with her promise to raise Alexander.
Notes: A fandom_stocking gift for vworpvworp. Posted December 27, 2016.
Tea and Sympathy by selenak
Crossover with Doctor Who; see above.
Star Wars
Estimated Time of Departure by Yahtzee63 (40:50)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (39.2 MB) | m4b audiobook (32.7 MB)
Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Chewbacca (gen). "Hey," Han said, his voice rough. "Am I crazy, or did we save the galaxy yesterday?" Missing scenes from the end of "A New Hope."
Notes: Posted August 13, 2010.
we are here and it is now by victoria_p (23:02)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (22.1 MB) | m4b audiobook (20.6 MB)
Rey, Luke Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker (gen). "So either you're not here or you're not living," she says. "I'm definitely here," he replies, and there's amusement in his voice.
Notes: Posted January 31, 2016.
Stargate: Atlantis
And I Miss You Still by less_star (12:22)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (11.9 MB) | m4b audiobook (7.3 MB)
Gen. They live near the ocean now.
Notes: Posted April 18, 2011.
Another Day at the Office by Friendshipper (11:46)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (11.3 MB ) | m4b audiobook (6.2 MB)
Gen. Jeannie was pretty sure that SG-1 had not expected her to get shot at when they'd taken her offworld to fix the malfunctioning thingetyjibbet.
Notes: Crossover with SG-1. Posted December 11, 2010.
Arbor by siriaeve (36:55)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (35.5 MB ) | m4b audiobook (34.3 MB)
Teyla Emmagan, Rodney McKay, John Sheppard, Ronon Dex (gen). While investigating a ruined city with her team, Teyla has a premonition of danger.
Notes: This fic was written for an artword challenge and has lovely accompanying art by aesc, which can be viewed at the author's original post. Posted July 19, 2014.
Ascension World: A Place for Children by panisdead (1:19:42)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (76.5 MB ) | m4b audiobook (62.3 MB)
Rodney McKay/John Sheppard. "Are we sure we want to go in?" John said, nose wrinkling. "I think it's educational."
Notes: Recorded in July 2013; finished July 16, 2014 for the SGA... 10 Years Later Fest.
Because You Demanded: The Latest Disaster by odditycollector (5:06)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (4.9 MB) | m4b audiobook (2.8 MB)
Gen. Our trip to that planet and what happened after.
Notes: Posted September 16, 2012.
Brand New Day by Dogeared (5:53)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (5.7 MB) | m4b audiobook (4.8 MB)
Rodney McKay/John Sheppard. This must be what it feels like, he thinks, to break a long fast.
Notes: Posted May 27, 2010.
Bread Mountain Dreams and Harvest Bread Recipe by Fish Echo (13:41)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (13.1 MB) | m4b audiobook (11.1 MB)
Or, The Time When Rodney Dreamt They Were All Two-Dimensional Paper Things and Spent the Whole Time Scaling the Ridiculously High Cliffs and Obnoxiously Rough Terrain of Bread Mountains.
Notes: My first podfic! Recorded for the 2009 Fall Fandom Free-For-All and posted October 4, 2009.
Embrace the Silence by Goddess47 (19:15)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (6.9 MB) | m4b audiobook (14.8 MB)
Rodney McKay/John Sheppard. When an epidemic breaks out in Atlantis, John and Rodney are sent into isolation for their own safety. (Content note: Major character death.)
Notes: Made for Goddess47 for the fandomtrumpshate charity auction. Posted May 6, 2019.
For we are bound by symmetry by Penknife (19:37)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (18.8 MB) | m4b audiobook (9.9 MB)
Ronon Dex, Teyla Emmagan, John Sheppard (gen). They're figuring out how they fit together. Set in season 2, with spoilers for 2x08 "Conversion."
Notes: Audiobook compilation and cover image by Cybel. Posted February 21, 2010.
The Hands of a King are the Hands of a Healer by Mira (13:07)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (4.7 MB) | m4b audiobook (10.1 MB)
Rodney McKay/John Sheppard. He's our golden boy, he thought.
Notes: Posted May 11, 2019.
In This Era of Liberty by Chandri (3:35:46)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (207.1 MB) | m4b audiobook (104.9 MB)
Rodney McKay/John Sheppard. They lose the Daedalus at the beginning of the fifth year. That's the first night John crawls into bed with him.
Notes: Posted March 19, 2011.
Just So Long and Long Enough by busaikko (53:46)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (30.7 MB) | m4b audiobook (26.5 MB)
Dave Sheppard learns more about his brother and gets drawn into a tangle of secrets and truths.
Notes: Posted November 13, 2021.
Margin of Error by Dogeared (6:03)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (5.8 MB) | m4b audiobook (4.9 MB)
Rodney McKay/John Sheppard. John's starting to think maybe he didn't get his memory back quite right.
Notes: Posted May 27, 2010.
A Medley of Passion and Joy by ivanolix (5:07)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (4.9 MB) | m4b audiobook (4.2 MB)
Jeannie Miller (gen).
Notes: Part of the Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology. Posted February 14, 2011.
Quest by waxjism (22:11)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (21.3 MB) | m4b audiobook (11.4 MB)
Rodney McKay/John Sheppard (Ford POV). "Now, now, we'll need those for our sacred quest to spring McKay from slavery."
Notes: Posted June 3, 2011.
Satedan Justice by Friendshipper (1:03:59)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (61.4 MB) | m4b audiobook (32 MB)
Gen. Ronon is arrested for Kell's murder. Teamfic.
Notes: Posted June 17, 2011.
Smitten by smallearthcat (29:08)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (26.6 MB) | m4b audiobook (14.5 MB)
Rodney McKay/John Sheppard. A little bit of Lucius Lavin's drug goes a long way. John finds out just how far. Episode tag to "Irresistible."
Notes: smallearthcat and I collaborated on this project for the pod_together challenge. Posted July 21, 2011.
Threat by havocthecat (2:43)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (2.6 MB) | m4b audiobook (2.9 MB)
Elizabeth Weir, Ba'al. Elizabeth will always take care of her galaxy. Always.
Notes: Crossover with SG-1. Part of Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology III. Posted February 14, 2013.
Stargate: SG-1
All in the Timing by SG_Fignewton (6:05)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (5.8 MB) | m4b audiobook (5.1 MB)
Gen. The team may be waiting, but Daniel's not ready to rush things. Teal'c, as always, trumps everyone else.
Notes: Posted January 7, 2010.
Another Day at the Office by Friendshipper
Crossover with SGA; see above.
Meditatio by stultiloquentia (11:09)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (10.7 MB) | m4b audiobook (6.4 MB)
Jack O'Neill (gen). Man in a boat.
Notes: A fandom_stocking gift for penknife, posted January 6, 2012. The cover art uses a CC-licensed image by brentdanley @ Flickr.
Threat by havocthecat
Crossover with SGA; see above.
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Evolving in Circles by Aelysian (15:39)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (15 MB) | m4b audiobook (12.7)
When John finally realizes his destiny, Cameron's left alone to figure out her evolving humanity. And Derek Reese becomes a sort-of friend.
Notes: Recorded for Paraka in help_haiti. Posted February 9, 2010.
Twin Peaks
Evergreen by mylittleredgirl (21:07)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (9.7 MB) | m4b audiobook (18 MB)
Gen. Special Agent Dale Cooper expects that, as an FBI agent, his help will be accepted. He doesn't expect to be welcomed. Posted February 14, 2021.
Untying by Astolat (12:49)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (12.3 MB) | m4b audiobook (6.7 MB)
Dale Cooper/Audrey Horne. Audrey wrote him brief notes all that next year. "Today I went to the waterfall pool. It's really too early to swim but I went in anyway. There was no one else around, and I couldn't hear myself breathe or think, the water was so loud. I had to get out too soon because I was cold. Are you ever lonely?" Posted January 1, 2011.
The Untamed
All the Broken Things by liluwrites (7:50)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (5.5 MB) | m4b audiobook (3.9 MB)
Jiang Cheng and Jin Ling return to Lotus Pier in the aftermath of Guanyin Temple. Gen.
Notes: Posted May 15, 2022.
Bring Out the Sea in Me by Tabi_essentially (1:15:39)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (40 MB) | m4b audiobook (35 MB)
Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian. Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian visit the seaside: where Wei Wuxian proceeds to be joyous, competent, heroic, and occasionally shirtless, and where Lan Wangji learns to ask for what he wants.
Notes: Posted January 31, 2022.
Entangled by Eliza (2:06)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (1.4 MB) | m4b audiobook (1.1 MB)
Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian. Triple drabble. Lan Zhan puts up his hair when visiting Lotus Pier.
Notes: Posted August 7, 2021. Lotus photograph by he zhu on Unsplash.
halfway up the mountain path by Tassos (3:16)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (1.8 MB) | m4b audiobook (1.9 MB)
"Hanguang-jun, collapsed on the mountain path," panted the disciple who'd roused Lan Qiren in the darkest hours before dawn. No mention of a child. But there he is, holding a child.
Notes: Posted November 7, 2021.
The Moon and the Sun by everythingsshiny (16:00)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (8.9 MB) | m4b audiobook (8 MB)
Jin Guangyao/Lan Xichen/Nie Mingjue. "Da-ge," Jin Guangyao said, "I believe er-ge may have had some wine." Lan Xichen gets drunk and effusively adores his sworn brothers. It's awkward.
Notes: Posted November 23, 2021. Eclipse photo by caseyclingan on Unsplash.
never a good thing to have by Idestroyedtheworldoops (56:18)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (41.9 MB) | m4b audiobook (27.8 MB)
Qin Su & Nie Huaisang, gen. A lonely, neglected young Madam Jin goes poking around in her husband's secret room and discovers a terrible truth.
Notes: Posted May 18, 2022.
an observer's guide to lovestruck cultivators by cafecliche (18:19)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (13.8 MB) | m4b audiobook (9.3 MB)
Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian, outsider POV. Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji make one more stop at Luo Qingyang's home before their journey to the Burial Mounds, and her husband reflects on the world she left behind.
Notes: Posted March 26, 2022.
On the art of folding paper by unoshot (30:50)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (17.4 MB) | m4b audiobook (15 MB)
Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian. Letters from Wei Wuxian—and occasionally, the man himself—find their way into Cloud Recesses as the seasons pass.
Notes: Posted October 9, 2021.
Return to White Clouds by Betty (23:48)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (17 MB) | m4b audiobook (12 MB)
Gen. Wen Ning encounters Lan Xichen, and they discuss trees. Wen Ning recognizes what is happening. He is being confessed to. This happens to him, sometimes. There is something about him that makes people tell him secrets.
Notes: Posted September 25, 2021.
Serpent's Shadow by Rana Eros (ranalore) (2:21)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (1.6 MB) | m4b audiobook (1.3 MB)
Jiang Yanli's core isn't powerful, but it's her self-control that will bring back Yunmeng Jiang.
Notes: Posted February 28, 2023, for the thirteenth and final Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology.
Silence, Soft as Silk by Netrixie (13:53)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (9.9 MB) | m4b audiobook (6.8 MB)
Lan Xichen/Nie Mingjue. Lan Xichen relaxes in a bath and waits for Mingjue.
Notes: Posted September 22, 2021. Orchid photo by Kseniia Ilinykh on Unsplash.
A Tomb of Phoenixes by magicgenetek (29:48)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (22 MB) | m4b audiobook (15 MB)
Nie Huaisang's love of birds and preoccupation with tombs means that those weird feathered bones in the rock have a special place in his heart. Mo Xuanyu's seeing a new side of his benefactor. Nie Mingjue's legacy lives long past his death.
Notes: Posted February 12, 2023. Microraptor photo by Spencer Platt.
watch the slow door by Lirelyn (21:49)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (12.2 MB) | m4b audiobook (10.9 MB)
Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian. Lan Wangji doesn't recognize Wei Wuxian in Mo Xuanyu—at least, not at first.
Notes: Posted October 24, 2021.
War and Peace
The Color Red by Alley_Skywalker (27:57)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (26.8 MB) | m4b audiobook (23.2 MB)
Theodore Dolokhov/Anatole Kuragin. The progression of a romance that starts as a boyhood friendship between two young courtiers told in a flashback with present time after the War in the year of 1813.
Notes: Recorded for the author as a pinch-hit in help_haiti. Posted April 18, 2010.
The X-Files
Autumnal by juniperphoenix (6:11)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (5.9 MB) | m4b audiobook (6.9 MB)
Fox Mulder/Dana Scully; post-IWTB. Soon she can see nothing but leaves and the fierce blue sky and their paired feet, booted for yard work, sticking out as though from a too-short blanket.
Notes: Made for the free-for-all day at xf_is_love 2013. Posted October 13, 2013.
Big Sky Country by Raven (10:41)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (10.3 MB) | m4b audiobook (10.9 MB)
William van de Kamp is special.
Notes: This was my project for the 2013 round of xf_is_love. Posted September 24, 2013.
Four ways William Scully got picked up from daycare by naraht (14:50)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (14.2 MB) | m4b audiobook (13.7 MB)
Two-year-old William Scully, his parents, and their chosen family as seen through an outsider's POV.
Notes: This was my project for the 2014 round of xf_is_love. Posted October 27, 2014.
Subaqueous by thuvia ptarth (6:25)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (6.2 MB) | m4b audiobook (4.2 MB)
Fox Mulder/Dana Scully. Mulder learns how to breathe water. Scully learns how to breathe air.
Notes: This was my project for the 2011 round of xf_is_love. Posted June 15, 2011.
The Tunnel at the End of the Light by finisterre (48:02)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (46.1 MB) | m4b (24.3 MB)
Gen. An AU for season seven and eight: What if the Samantha of "Redux" decided to look for her brother?
Notes: Recorded for idella for help_japan. Posted April 9, 2011.
Where the Currents Lead by juniperphoenix (16:48)
Text | Cover art | mp3 (16.1 MB) | m4b audiobook (8.5 MB)
A meditation on Mulder in his element. When his brain has no one else to talk to it talks to itself, and swimming is his most solitary exercise.
Notes: Audiobook compilation and cover image by Cybel. Posted March 14, 2010.